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Thursday, December 6, 2007

College Rush!

Well all my college stuff is due on Monday. I have my applications filled out, but I have to do all my supplementals for each school. In other words, instead of working on getting into college, I'm writing a blog post that no one will read, yay! The supplementals aren't that hard though, the longest one is 2000 characters for Bentley, and it will probably even be the easiest one to do. All it asks is why Bentley is the right fit for me. I'm really antsy to hear back from St. John's. I want to get into college so bad that I can just relax and let the denials from good schools roll on in.

In other news, Christmas is getting ever closer and I need to go Christmas shopping. I am horrible at Christmas shopping because I never know what to get my mom and sister. Maybe I'll bring help along with me this year. The two major things on my Christmas list this year are OS X Leopard and iWork '08. I also need some behind the ear headphones for running because the regular iPod ones always fall out of my ears.

That's it for today, short entry, but it'll get the job done.

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